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Thank you for your interest to study at Meb College of Theology and Biblical Languages (MCTBL). Outlined are Requirements to help you fulfill these goals:

Spiritual Requirements

The spiritual requirements for study at MCTBL have priority over any and all academic requirements. Because the Institution prepares its students for a spiritual ministry, it must seek certain spiritual qualities in prospective students. Therefore, each applicant for admission is required to submit the following items:

1. A statement of personal conversion, Christian experience, and service. 

2. A signed application form which indicates that the applicant
(a) is in essential agreement with the statement of faith of the institution, MCTBL. 
(b) will abide cheerfully by the spirit and standards of the Institution. 

3. The name and address of three persons who can testify to the applicant’s Christian or moral character and suitability for undergraduate study. Whenever possible, these should include the pastor of the applicant’s home church and an employer or teacher. 

4. An evidence of personal interview with the Director of Admissions with regard to academic, and spiritual qualifications for advanced biblical study and for gospel ministry work. For enterance into the Ministry Leadership Program,a seperate departmental interview is required.

Academic Requirements 

Prospective students need to meet minimum academic prerequisites consistent with undergraduate school standards. 
Those minimum standards are as follows: 

1. A high school diploma or its equivalent is required for entrance into all programs. The prospective student is responsible for having complete transcripts of all high school credits and post-high school credits sent directly from the institution(s) to the Director of Admissions of the Institution. Note: Prospective students do not need any prior formal biblical study at any level. 

2. A grade point average of 2.50 or above, or a score of 800 or above on the SAT in the verbal and analytical sections is required. 

Admission Requirements

MCTBL recognizes the importance of a broad educational foundation for specialized study. Therefore, emphasis is placed on work in the major fields of the humanities and sciences which give students discipline and general information indispensable to theology and ministry work. In undergraduate study, adequate attention will be devoted to English grammar and composition, literature, speech, logic, and history. 

Additional Requirements

 - Two recent passport photographs (white background) of the applicant. 

 -  An application fee of $30 ($60 if submitted less than six weeks prior to anticipated date of enrollment). 

 - Application for Fall enrollment should be made by July 15; application for Spring enrollment should be made by December 15.

Application Procedure 

A prospective student should take the following steps in making application to study at the Institution. 

1. Carefully complete the application form and send it to the Admissions Office along with the application fee, written testimony, and recent photographs. 

2. Request all institutions where the applicant has done undergraduate and/or higher level work to send transcripts to the Director of Admissions.

3. Make arrangements for taking the SAT. This step applies only to those with GPA’s below 2.5. 

4. A final assessment of all Applicants will be held with the Admissions Committee of MCTBL before admission. 

Notices will be recieved from the Director of Admissions on status of applications. Documents recieved on Applicants to MCTBL are not retrievable. 

Transfer of Credit 

MCTBL welcomes students who have completed academic work at other institutions and  accept courses which meet the objectives of College's curriculum. For courses to be transferred, they must be earned at a recognized institution with a grade of C or above. 

In all programs, the last forty-five quarter hours must be earned at MCTBL. No work is transferable towards certificates offered at MCTBL. Transferred credit will appear on MCTBL transcript in summary form the quarter before graduation and grade point average does not transfer. College: Up to one-half of the required hours for graduation in the associates program may be obtained by transfer credit. No more than ninety-quarter hours may be transferred from a junior college into the baccalaureate degree. 

Advanced Placement (College) 

Students enrolled in the college may earn credit through Institutional Challenge Examinations. Students may challenge many of the courses listed in the catalog by taking a comprehensive examination that demonstrates mastery of the material covered in the course. Students must apply to take the Challenge Examination within their first quarter of enrollment. The examination will be scheduled at the convenience of the school. The examination fee is $175 per challenged course and there is a one-half tuition charge for recording the credit on transcript. A student may earn a total of 45 credit hours through the combined means of Advanced Placement. 

{ } Entire three pages of Application completely filled out (no items left blank) 
{ } Appropriate Application Fee enclosed with application 
{ } Standard Passport Photograph (2) 
{ } Statement of Faith 
{ } Statement of Purpose 
{ } The Pastoral Recommendation(2) 
{ } Privacy Rights of Students 
{ } Official High School Transcript

Prospective Students

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