Mission Statement
The Biblical Studies Certificate program is designed to prepare students for more effective missionary service or lay ministry through a 30 semester hour graduate-level program of biblical studies.
Biblical Studies Certificate Curriculum
The following curriculum leads to the Biblical Studies Certificate. Some flexibility is permitted to allow students to take other courses relevant to their educational goals.
Fall Semester………………………………………………... Semester Hours
EB 501 Old Testament History 3
EB 511 Gospels 3
GK 501 Greek Grammar I Or
EB 522 Techniques of Bible Study Or
EB 608 Critical Issues and Bible Backgrounds 4/3/3
PM 506 Personal Spiritual Development 2
TH 503 Theology Survey 3
PM 451 Field Education (1)
Spring Semester…………………………………………….Semester Hours
EB 504 Old Testament History II and Poetical Books Or
EB 505 Old Testament Prophets 3
EB 512 Acts and Pauline Epistles 3
EB 516 General Epistles and Revelation 3
GK 502 Greek Grammar II Or
EB 523 Principles of Biblical Interpretation 4/3
MI 501 Introduction to Missions 1
TH 504 Theology Survey II 3
PM 451 Field Education (1)
Total 30-32 Credit Hours
The Certificate in Ministry Leadership (CML) is a non-degree program of study offered to those with college or professional degrees to enhance their biblical understanding and develop their spiritual leadership competencies.
Mission Statement
The CML is designed to prepare laypeople and ministry staff for more effective lay leadership in church and Para-church ministries through an eighteen semester hour (for the Foundation) and a thirty semester hour (for the Certificate) program of undergraduate-level education. Students learn foundational principles of biblical leadership that will enhance their present leadership skills and perspectives.
Core Objectives
Biblical Truth
To assist students in the acquisition of a basic knowledge of key books of the Bible. This enhances students' development of a philosophy of spiritual leadership for their lay ministry contexts.
Academic Excellence
To promote in students the importance of intellectual discipline and attainment through a growing comprehension of truth. This involves mastery of problem-solving techniques, research methodology, and ways of expressing ideas clearly, logically, and conclusively.
Spiritual Development
To nurture in students the desire for a proper relationship and commitment to Jesus Christ. This involves knowing God's Word, God's will, spiritual disciplines, and a willingness to share the message of Christ with the world.
Relational Development
To prepare students to assume greater leadership responsibilities in their churches or ministries by facilitating enriching relationships in a multicultural environment with fellow students and faculty.
Preparation for Service
To encourage students to use their training to strengthen their present ministries and deepen their commitment as Godly spiritual leaders in whatever their ministry contexts may be.
The Certificate in Ministry Leadership is a 30 semester hour program designed to deepen the leadership training and skills in the specific areas of need that an emerging leader might feel or that a pastoral team might deem necessary. Therefore a large amount of flexibility is built into the program.
Required Foundation Courses
CO 501 Discipleship Counseling - 4
CO 502 Discipleship Counseling -2 (CO 501 is a co-requisite or prerequisite for CO 502)
PM 605 Leading Small Groups- 3
Select one English Bible 3-hour course from the following list:
EB 501 Old Testament History I
EB 504 Old Testament History II and Poetical Books
EB 505 Old Testament Prophets
EB 511 Gospels EB 512 Acts and Pauline Epistles
EB 523 Principles of Biblical Interpretation
PM 521 Theology and Ethics of Leadership
Required Additional Courses
PM 622 Conflict, Conflict Resolution, and 2 Reconciliation
MI 501 Introduction to Missions 1
Select nine semester hours from the following list:
CO 504 Marriage and Family Discipleship -4
Counseling- I
CO 505 Marriage and Family Discipleship- 2
Counseling II (CO 501 and CO 502 are prerequisites, CO 504 is a co-requisite or prerequisite)
CO 506 Personal Counseling and Discipleship -3
CO 602 Equipping Lay Counselors and Care Givers- 3
CO 603 Counseling and Mentoring Men -3
CO 604 Counseling and Mentoring Women -3
EB 501 Old Testament History - 3
EB 504 Old Testament History II and Poetical -3 Books
EB 505 Old Testament Prophets -3
EB 511 Gospels- 3
EB 512 Acts and Pauline Epistles- 3
EB 516 General Epistles and Revelation- 3
EB 522 Techniques of Bible Study- 3
PM 601 Creative Bible Teaching -2
PM 621 Visionary Ethical Leadership- 2
PM 624 Developing Leaders- 2
TH 503 Theology Survey - 3
TH 504 Theology Survey - 3
Total: 30 Credit Hours
Admission Requirements
First Year-----------------Semester hours
OTS101 Old Testament Survey- 3
ECM101 Evangelism- 3
CNS131 Basic Christian Counseling- 3
PRE201 Homiletics- 3
PTH301 Leadership Principles- 3
Total 15
NTS101 New Testament Survey- 3
ENG101 English I Grammar- 3
THE230 Hermeneutics- 3
HCH201 Church History- 3
SYS210 Basic Bible Doctrine- 3
Total 15
Second Year-------Semester hours
NTS110 Gospels:
Life of Christ- 3
OTS110 Pentateuch- 3
SYS222 Christology- 3
THE262 Comparative Religions- 3
CED212 Philosophy & History of Christian Education-3
Total 15
MAT100 Basic Mathematics- 3
ENG 102 English II Composition- 3
COM302 Public Speaking -3
HIS301 Survey of the Middle East- 3
RES396 Practicum -3
Total 15
Total: 60 Credit Hours
All students must complete 120 credit hours to earn the Bachelor of Ministry. A minimum of 30 credit hours must be earned at Meb College of Theology and Biblical Languages, addition to transfer credit hours earned toward the Bachelor of Ministry. The final 30 hours must be completed in residence at Meb College of Theology and Biblical Languages.
First Year------------------Semester hours
OTS101 Old Testament Survey- 3
ECM101 Evangelism- 3
CNS131 Basic Christian Counseling- 3
PRE201 Homiletics- 3
PTH301 Leadership Principles- 3
Total 15
NTS101 New Testament Survey -3
ENG101 English I Grammar- 3
THE230 Hermeneutics- 3
HCH201 Church History -3
SYS210 Basic Bible Doctrine -3
Total 15
Second Year--------------Semester hours
NTS110 Gospels:
Life of Christ- 3
OTS110 Pentateuch- 3
SYS222 Christology- 3
THE262 Comparative Religions- 3
CED212 Philosophy & History of Christian Education-3
Total 15
MAT100 Basic Mathematics- 3
ENG 102 English II Composition -3
COM302 Public Speaking- 3
HIS301 Survey of the Middle East- 3
RES396 Practicum- 3
Total 15
Third Year--------------Semester hours
SYS302 Eschatology- 3
CNS334 Grief Counseling- 3
CED213 Curriculum Development- 3
THE203 The Names of God- 3
SCI101 Physical Science- 3
Total 15
HIS302 American History and Government- 3
PSY101 Psychology and Counseling- 3
SOC101 Introduction to Sociology- 3
THE405 Apologetics- 3
SYS321 Pneumatology- 3
Total 15
Fourth Year-----------Semester hours
CED303 Principles of Education -3
CNS133 Pastoral Counseling- 3
CED111 Dynamic Methods of Teaching- 3
NTS210 Pauline Epistles -3
THE406 Introduction to Greek- 3
Total 15
MAT109 Pre Algebra- 3
BUS101 Business Administration- 3
OTS410 Major Prophets- 3
COS101 I Introduction to Computers- 3
RES396 Practicum- 3
Total 15
Total: 120 Credit Hours
Course Catalog
This is built from the Certificate of Biblical Studies. This 60 credit–hours program is designed to give the student a broad scope encompassing specific New Testament and Old Testament studies